Back in the Field in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala

As I am seated in the small, central chair in the ceremonial house, listening to the Mayan shaman chant in Tz'utujil, the second shaman translates to English for me. “He says you are a wild one who cannot be tamed. He means it as a good thing,” she explained. I am not sure how else it … Continue reading Back in the Field in Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala

Perros Sin Nombres

Tela, Honduras; January 2020 Day 1: "Can you ask the owner to run home and grab us some sugar? " Surgical supplies can range from advanced and modern to very simple. Most established clinics have some injectable dextrose on hand, but field veterinarians often need to be more resourceful. Honey or corn syrup or sugar … Continue reading Perros Sin Nombres

It’s Not All Work, And It’s More Meaningful Than a Vacation

World Vets, Otavalo, Ecuador For all the volunteer work and non-profit spay/neuter work I do, I know there is still a finite number of animals I can help in my career. I'm just one person. When I teach vet students and colleagues, I like to believe I can increase that number through them. We are … Continue reading It’s Not All Work, And It’s More Meaningful Than a Vacation

How is Puerto Rico?

Like many people, I watched the events of Hurricane Maria in the Caribbean in September 2017 on the news from afar and then watched in disbelief as our government seemed to shirk the duty to restore life-saving infrastructure to our citizens on the island. The news cycle died down, but there were still updates on … Continue reading How is Puerto Rico?